Friday, April 27, 2007

RGBP Friday Five: What Are You...

1. Wearing
Ok, ok. It's after noon and I'm still in PJ's. More descriptively, the PJ's consist of a navy blue Old Navy tank (or cami as they're called these days) and P's cotton flannel red/navy plaid drawstring pants.

2. Pondering
What to do with Little One today so she doesn't veg in front of TV all day. Also, how to prepare a 2 minute or less intro to me for Church Much Nearer to My Family that contacted me today!!! (see above for more info)

3. Reading
Well, I'm still working on Cahill as shown to right. I'm also reading Murder on Capital Hill, by Margaret Truman. I've been reading Green Eggs and Ham a lot to LO lately, her current fave. I also just finished Passionate Marriage by David Schnarck (great name, huh?) I really, really recommend this for anyone in a committed relationship or for pastors who do couples counseling, even just premarital.

4. Dreaming
That I'll get the call to Church Much Nearer to My Family (and in a city where P could get a job without a monster commute!)

5. Eating
Just finished a cup of coffee with Chocolate Caramel creamer (treat while P was out of town, but there's a lot left.) It's time for lunch though, so I'm thinking a half a wrap (LO gets other half) and a bowl of soup.

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