Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Newfound respect

After 10 days away from home and no idea when he'd be back, the DH finally called and said he'd be home tomorrow-hooray! I'd like to say that my renewed respect is for all P does while he's home. Sadly, I think he only creates more work for me to do most of the time, though I won't complain too much, since L and I depend on the income at the moment. I will express gratitude for the time he spends with L so I can get all that extra work done, though!
No, my newfound respect is for single moms. I don't know how they can make it all work. I don't even work full time at the moment and I barely get all the housework done, play with L, walk the dog, fix meals, grocery shop, etc. Wow! You single moms obviously have super powers, no doubt!
While I'm thinking of it, I will also express my concern that I am not as excited as I should be that P is coming home. I've gotten used to sprawling across the whole (only double sized) bed while he's been gone. I've gotten much better sleep than I'm used to with him here. I'll miss that. Ok, well, now that I've written it down, that's the only think I can think of. That's good, I feel better that that was the only thing I was not looking forward to--though sleep is very important when I'm chasing a 2 year old all day.
Hmm, I think I will begin a posting called "Today's Blessings" I will post the things I am blessed with, the small and the bigger ones, too. I think it will help me remember that sharing a bed is worth a little less sleep. Perhaps you all will share your blessings, too? I'd like that.

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